"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Welcome to Stampin' Sisters in Christ's Birthday Blog Hop! The celebration begins at the Stampin' Sisters in Christ blog, so be sure to start there. You won't want to miss a stop along the way... abundant blessings await! Plus, there's a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate to the sponsor of your choice!
Each of us participating in today's blog hop are featuring a favorite scripture. Although I have many favorites, Jeremiah 29:11 is currently the most near and dear to my heart. For the past couple of years, I've faced many challenges...lots of stress, lots of change, lots of uncertainties. I'm not going to lie and say I never falter in my faith. I think we all do. There have been times I've felt depressed, worried, angry, fearful. But by faith... faith and trust in God's promises... I am able to rise up with renewed confidence and peace of mind, knowing that God is working in my life and that I need not worry.
I know the Lord has plans for me... plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. I know He has the same for you, and I pray you will be comforted and strengthened by that knowledge.
The next stop on the hop is back to Stampin' Sisters in Christ blog where you can leave a comment for a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate! We look forward to hearing which scripture(s) touched you the most today. And we hope you have been blessed by your fellowship with us. Please join us for our weekly scripture-inspired challenges. We'd love to have you!
Blessings to you, dear friends.
Stamp: Jeremiah 29:11 by Verve Stamps
Paper: So Sophie Graceful collection by My Mind's Eye
Roses: Prima
Brads: Stampin' Up
Sketch: Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 81 (turned upside down)
Lovely, a favourite verse of mine and a gorgeous card, I love the cross in the background.
I almost chose this as my verse today as it has sat on my dressing table for years. We are indeed a blessed people when we understand that our hope and future is heaven. there is no better plan. Great design.
very pretty card, Lisa!
Hello Lisa - what a fabulous scripture you have chosen today! I love the promise this verse has and the hope it holds for us! Thank you Lisa for being such a shining light, it is a pleasure being on the DT with you! God bless you! {{{hugs}}}
Hi Lisa! Great Scripture.... another of my favorites... always comes to mind in those tough times when we just don't understand the "whys" of things... beautiful card and thanks for all you did to organize this! I know it was a lot of work and we appreciate it! What a blessing SSIC has been for this past year... and hopefully for many more to come!!!
Pricless, I love it, and the flowers just draw your eye to the verse,
Wow Lisa!!I love the colors,verse and those pretty colors!!The flowers are gorgeous!I love thier color,they go perfect with the verse!
Lisa my friend, what a wonderful verse! I carried that one around with me on a slip of paper in my wallet after my husband left me, it helped me through many a dark day! This is gorgeous. It is a pleasure serving with you on SSIC, we couldn't steer the ship without you. Have a blessed week!
Super card Linda, and this verse is AWESOME! I have it posted to our front gate, as we enter (We live in the country) Thanks for the reminder and have a blessed week!
Love your card! And the Bible verse. May God continue to be your source of wisdom, guidance and comfort always.
Lisa this is beautiful and what a great verse. What a wonderful promise from God, and a great hope.
I am so glad we are sisters :)
Have a blessed day.
one of my favortie verses and I really like how you overlapped part of the verse on top of the cross
I love this card Lisa. It's so beautiful. I also love your verse too. It's a comforting one, especially in knowing how sinful we are, Jesus still wants to bless us. I am so blessed to be a part of this team.
Oh, Lisa, I almost cried when I saw that you chose this verse! It's actually my very favorite verse, but for this hop, I felt the Lord pulling me away from it. Your card is beautiful, I love thoese purple flowers! I love the feeling of knowing that God's plan is to prosper me and give me hope, not to just let things that happen tear me down. What a wonderful God we serve! Thanks for sharing this today!
I love this verse. It is one of my favorites. My kids know it by heart and will often quote it to me when I am getting discouraged. I love the little purple flowers. I hope you have a blessed day today.
Perfect Lisa! Everything was perfect! I loved all of the cards - I especially have been moved beyond words by what the DT has written and what was written by the many people who hopped along! What a fantastic ministry this is! Thank you!
Dearest Lisa, Your verse is perfect to follow Rebekka's blog because I always think of it when I see the name she's used: "Diamond in the Rough."
The Lord's plan for us is played out as our rough edges are polished by life's ups & downs in order that we become the exact diamond (shape & karat!) He wants us to be!
I have been blessed deeply as I've read thru the hop this afternoon. I'm so glad you came up with the plan and took time out of your schedule to get it all together. Hugs, Laurie
This is my favorite. At least at the moment. There are some struggles to be faced right now, so this brngs me so much comfort. I know He has a plan... I just whish I could see the plan too..
This is beautiful Lisa! Such bold color choices--so different for a reverent card, and yet so right! The roses are lovely. And . . . this is my favorite scripture! It spoke to me when I couldn't hear anything else, and serves to comfort me and inspire me everyday!
beautiful card Lisa and thanks for sharing that wonderful verse and your story. We all falter in our faith but it is so comforting to know that God has our back:)
Wow Lisa!!I love the colors,flowers,and your verse!!
Oooooh, I love this card...pretty, pretty, pretty!
Love the flowers are your nice card! Great verse!
Really pretty card. I love the little roses!
A beautiful card showcasing a wonderful and uplifting passage. Gorgeous job all around!
Another of my favourite verses, I seem to have so many! :o)
Lisa, what a beautiful card and I love the verse you chose!!! Thanks so much for what you do each week! SSIC is such a blessing!!!
very, very beautiful - and so very true. in all of the stresses of life it's easy to forget that God still has us in His hands and has a plan for our lives. thanks for such a beautiful reminder.
Wow - just beautiful!
Yes...a wonderful verse to tuck away in our hearts.
Beautiful card Lisa, and yes, what a reassurance that verse is!! To know that the future lies in His hands, and that He has it already sorted - to our benefit. Awesome!!
What a beautiful card and such a great reminder. The Lord has plans for us and we can rest assured that they are good plans...only for our best.
Your card is beautiful, I like the grid you added behind your scripture!
This verse is a wonderful reminder of God's plan for our lives, and our ultimate destiny when we believe and follow Him!!
Stamping Sisters in Christ has been such a blessing to me this past year!!
Your card is gorgeous! I love the royal purple roses! This is such a beautiful promise from our GOD!!!
What a beautiful way to present one of my all-time favorite verses! You did an amazing job! Isn't it comforting to know He has everything under control? Praise God! :)
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I love the colors and the roses, along with your verse. It gives me hope! I love blog candy!
This too is one of my favourite verses... I remember the Lord burning this scripture into my mind about 7 years ago - I have had to hold firm to it since... Thank you for sharing your testimony with us xx
Lisa, I love this card! The words stamped on the edge of the cross reminds me that we always need to keep Him by our side, through all of our trials and joys! The purple roses accentuate everything beautifully! Thank you for this lovely reminder . . . Hugs, Magi
Great verse Lisa and I love your card. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.
Beautiful card, Lisa!! Fantastic verse to share. God's Word is so powerful and I pray that each blog reader in this celebration, that doesn't know Jesus, will have the seed of His word planted within and will begin to grow, to the Lord's glory!! And for those that do know the Lord, my prayer is that will be encouraged, it sounds like all of your hearts are knit together in this too! God is so faithful!
beautiful card, great color combo!
I sometimes wonder what plans he has for me, and look back and see I have 4 beautiful daughters, grandchildren, a life with my husband, all part of his plan.
thanks for sharing,
What a beautiful card for this wonderful verse!! Thank you!!!
Beautiful card and wonderful scripture and reminder that ALL of the promises of God are ours through Christ! Blessings!
LOVELY card - I love that GOD knows HIS plan for me!!! TFS!
Beautiful card Lisa and an inspiring verse.
Lisa, my very dear friend...whenever your blog pops up, or your face on MY blog, I just want to start singing "this little light of mine"... You are just such a shining star. I love that you organized this hop. I feel so revived today, and full of hope, mojo, and energy! And girl, I love your card, AND the scripture that you chose to use. Very fitting!!! And, of course, oh, so, true! Hugs, sweetie! Take care!
Oh, I absolutely LOVE this card and LOVE this verse! Was my first favorite verse :) Reminds me that I don't have to stress because HE knows my future!
Ohhhhh Lisa, your card is just stunning ~ beautiful scripture, always been one of my faves and speaks so much to me! TFS your card today!
Fabulous card, Lisa! I really like how you used the cross behind the verse.
Love the layout for your card, its beautiful. Great verse. We can take comforted in knowing that God does have a plan for us and knowing that God isn't finished with us!
Beautiful design Lisa! Love the colors on this :O)
Dear Lisa~
Thank you so very much for taking the time to make this blog hop happen. It has been such a wonderful way for me to spend my afternoon, as I stopped and thought about what each Scripture meant to me. I want to thank all of the DT's that participated. Everything was so moving!
I love your card, and your Scripture is one that I know well. It isn't always easy for me to live it. I like to be in charge of my own life...and He allows that...but when I do that...I have further to go, it seems to reach His plan for me.
I have just started coming to the Challenges. I plan on making it a regular weekly stop for me.
Thank you for making such a delightful card. (Yellow and purple are my wedding colors!) I love the grid and the cross in the backgrounds...as well as the dp and those wonderful roses are the perfect touch.
He IS Able,
Traci S.
What a lovely card Lisa. Such a wonderful Scripture you chose to showcase :)
Such a calming beautiful card Lisa! I love the verse you chose as well...Bless you and thank you for sharing!
I love the colors you have chosen for your card, I've never used yellows and lavender together, but will have to now. Your chosen scripture is one of those I lean on when things are rough and it seems like things are out of control.......He has plans for my life, I just need to let Him lead!
Hugs and Blessings,
amei a iniciativa,Deus abençoe voces
What a vibrantly beautiful card, Lisa! That verse is definitely one to carry with us all our days. How delightful to know that as we go through life, no matter what happens along the way, God has marvelous plans for us. Thanks for the lovely reminder! Hugs, Deedee
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