Greetings dear friends! Day 3 of my time off from work. I spent the weekend just trying to get organized. Turns out, I'm still nowhere near ready for Christmas. Cards will definitely be late this year! However, I'm taking breaks here and there to catch up on some stamping and blog surfing and emails, so please bear with me!
One thing I've sadly neglected are some awesome blog tags and awards I've recently received. Warning: you may be bored with all the information about me these are requiring! I won't be offended if you skip over this post! {LOL}
The first is a survey tag from my pal
JoAnne Valderama. Love that girl! She is THE Jo Boogie! Definitely stop by and visit her... you will love her as much as I do!
In her post called "
under my umbrella-ella-ella eh-eh-eh" (which is very appropriate since I LOVE rain) she tagged me in this survey:
1. My childhood ambition: to be a teacher or a librarian. My sister Linda recently reminded me about how I used to make her (and our sister Kim) play school with me. In Linda's words, "I remember your forcing me to play school with you when we were little. Of course, you were always the teacher with your long pointer that you loved to rap on my desk! Just so you know, that game was only fun for you!" hahahahahahaha! Memories of childhood fade over time (I hate that!), but I definitely remember this! I also remember making library cards for every book in our house. Okay, so I was a bit of a nerd.
2. My retreat: on a daily basis, it would be my craft room. On rare occasions when my friends are available, it's
Glen Ivy Hot Springs Spa. Bliss! Speaking of which, Lisa K when are we going????
3. The perfect day: spending the day with my family when no one is arguing and we're just having fun! We had one of those days recently at Disneyland for my birthday. (Please tell me I'm not the only one whose kids bicker about everything!)
4. My first job was: besides babysitting, having a newspaper route. I used to fling those papers from my green bicycle and was good at hitting the porch on the first try!
5. My wildest dream: Okay, you've already heard that I planned to marry Donny Osmond. That was definitely a wild dream. Now it's to spend a year in Europe when I retire (which I now need to extend to include time in Australia... look out Debbie and Carolann!). This is a dream that WILL come true!
6. If my life was a musical it would be called: Les Miserables. Okay that sounds sad, but I really have been through some tough times in my life. Who hasn't?
7. My proudest moment: finally finishing my Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Economics 31 years after graduating from high school; but also for progressing very nicely in my career without my degree (not something I recommend, of course).
8. My favorite item of clothing: I don't really have one. Right now, clothes and me aren't on very good terms. I desperately need to lose weight.
9. I feel ready for the day when I: drink coffee, take a shower and get freshly dressed.
10. I COULD live without: anymore stamps and/or other papercrafting items, but who are we kidding???
Okay, now I'm supposed to tag a few people to answer this survey: how about
Debbie Pamment,
Michelle Yungbauer,
Kristine Breach,
Patti Gilliam,
Sue Kment,
Peggysue Turner,
Nina Brackett,
Kim Yu,
Claire Brennan,
Irina Blount... I could go on and on, but I'm counting on you girls to pass this torch to others we have in common. Plus, I'd love to hear your answers to these questions!
The next is a blog award from a new friend
Stacie aka craft_princess:

Thank you so much Stacie!!! This is one I don't have and it's lovely!
The rules (or "Da Rules," as they say on Fairly Oddparents):
•Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
•Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
•Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
•Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting:
- I'm adopted and recently discovered that I have two half-siblings. My birth mother passed away some years ago, so I'll have to wait until I get to heaven to meet her. But I have learned more about her, seen pictures of her, and have some medical history, so I consider this a gift. It's because I found out she died of lung cancer that I finally quit smoking two years ago. In essence, she gave life to me twice.
- My birth mother was from the Honduras (which is why I look Hispanic) and I'm told my birth father was blonde and blue-eyed (as is my husband).
- I watch recorded episodes of The Young & The Restless, General Hospital and One Life to Live while I craft. I got my love of soaps from my mom. I hope some of you don't decide you don't want to be my friend anymore because of this fact. Ha!
- I love all kinds of music, but have a special fondness for 40's music (The War Years), which I usually listen to while at work.
- My four boys are the lights of my life... they own my heart completely. I do, however, on occasion want to box their ears...
- I LOVE the beach and dream of living near the ocean some day.
- I miss my mother and always will. I'm quite sure she would have LOVED paper crafting. I got my love of crafting from her, and so much more.
•Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers and post their links in no particular order
I think I'm going to pass this award on to my
Stampin' Sisters in Christ; they are as "Kreativ" and lovely as they come!
Last, but certainly not least, I received the "Your Blog is Fabulous" award from
Rachael Doxsee (Queen La Rubba herself!). Thank you Rachael! Your blog is fabulous, too!

For this one, I'm supposed to name five things I'm fond of. Hmmm...let's see. Besides papercrafting, of course...
- Chocolate
- Rain
- The beach/ocean
- Traveling
- Our pets
I'm passing this blog award along to my
La-La Land Crafts Design Team sisters, because they definitely have fabulous blogs!
Irina Blount (owner)
Jane MatsumotoKim YuMaureen WongKathy PageKristine BreachMoon HulsmanElena JoldersmaKatie TateOkay, if you've made it this far, then you really are a friend (or incredibly bored... ha!). Just kidding. I can tell you what I'm REALLY fond of, and that is all of you... hearing from you, visiting your blogs, making friends, seeing your incredible artwork. Thank YOU for sharing your time and talents with me!
And if I didn't tag you this time, I'll get you next time!
I'll be back soon with some cards to share and (gasp) a non-card project...