Last night I did something I haven't done in years... went to Blockbuster and rented 7 movies (I have a coupon). I took the night off from stamping and watched Star Trek with Ian and Avery. Loved it! And so did the boys. I was always a fan of Star Trek (the original series), and thought they did a fantastic job re-creating the crew of the USS Enterprise; very believable. And a good story, too. Tonight we're going to watch Up. I can't wait!
One thing I've resolved to do over this next week is catch up with my personal life, including emails and posts and such I've neglected for far too long. One is this awesome Blog Award I received from two of my favorite stamping friends, Cat Darling and Kim Yu. Thanks girls! It truly touches my heart that you thought of passing this along to me!
The Rules are: pass this award on to five people, post on their blog to let them know you have left this award for them, and then answer a list of questions in one word.
Okay, I already know I'm going to violate the one-word rule, but I'll try!
1. Where is your mobile? Purse
2. Your hair? Dark Brown (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!)
3. Your Mother? Heaven
4. Your Father? Mississippi
5. Your favorite food? Italian
6. Your Dream last night? Health
7. Your Favorite Drink? Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte
8. Your Dream? To retire
9. What room are you in? Home office
10. Your Hobby? Paper crafting
11. Fear? Cancer, tied with anything bad happening to my kids
12. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Beach home
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren't? Perfect
15. Muffins? Raspberry Sunshine (Starbucks)
16. Wish List Item? Clean House!
17. Where did you grow up? Air Force Brat, so all over the world until age 13, when we moved to Riverside, CA
18. Last thing you did? Laundry (still doing it)
19. What are you wearing? Shorts and jammie top (don't ask!)
20. Your TV? Spongebob (my son is watching TV in here while I'm on the computer)
21. Pets? 2 dogs, 2 cats
22. Friends? Lots, who mean the world to me!
23. Mood? Good
24. Life? Blessed
25. Missing someone? Mom
26. Vehicle? Camry
27. Something you're not wearing? Make-up
28. Favorite store? Target (lame, I know)
29. Favorite Color? Green
30. When was last time you laughed? Yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Don't recall
32. Best Friend? My sister Linda
33. One place that I go to over n' over? Computer
34. Facebook? Yes
35. Favorite place to eat? Out!
Okay, now to pass along this award. I choose Kristine Breach, Peggysue Turner, Jo, Michelle Yungbauer and Candace Mitchell! I would pass it to my BBFF's Debbie Pamment, Patti J and Nina Brackett, but they've already received the award... and so many others. It's hard to choose!
The day is flying away from me. Hopefully I'll see you all back here tomorrow for Stampin' Sisters in Christ. In the meantime, have a wonderful day!
Lovely to learn more about you - but WHY are you doing laundry - thought I told you not too - LOL. Enjoy your Lisakkah and Thanksgiving lovely lady in shorts and jammies - LOL
Oh, it's so fun to know about you, Lisa. I seriously hope we can meet at a Starbucks somday. I'm curious about that latte and muffin you mentioned. We'll be in CA this summer!
Oh, thanks Lisa for this blog award! You are FAB yourself and I enjoy learning more about my blogging friends!! FUN, FUN!! :)
Mark just popped in to eat lunch... I made chicken soup! Smells SO good and perfect for a cloudy cool day. Chat soon! :)
You're so sweet! Thanks for the tag - I think you're pretty fabulous too! :)
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