I have lots to share in this blog post, so I hope you'll stay with me!
First, as my crafting time has been limited lately, so has my blog posting. I've recently received two incredible blog awards, and have been remiss in not writing about one of them sooner.

The first is an award that was passed along to me by
Debbie Pamment and
Kristine Breach, two of my BBFFs (Best Blogging Friends Forever... I just made that up!). According to Debbie's post, it was created by
Kellie Winnell and passed along to her with the following quote:
"I feel that there are a lot [of blog awards] out there that are awarded for the creative sides of things, and I love them, but few [blog awards] to just appreciate the people that follow and comment on your blog, which to me nothing makes my day more than having gorgeous comments left on something you created, really lifts the spirits and makes my day."Kristine paraphrased that by saying this award means,
"Thank you for your support... for leaving sweet comments that really lift my spirits and make a bad day better... for comments that go beyond the typical "Great card!" and really connect with you on a personal level."I am so proud to have received this award because, to me, that IS what blogging is about. I love that I've made friends with people all over the world whom I would never have met were it not for this wonderful hobby and the time we take to share not only our creations, but also a bit of ourselves. The comments left on my blog posts truly lift my spirits and make me feel so good. And they are the means by which my blogging friendships have been made. Thank you Debbie and Kristine for including me when you passed along this award. It SO totally made my day, and I'm truly blessed by your frienships!!!
I, of course, would pass this award to both Debbie and Kristine, but am also passing it along to my other BBFF
Michelle Yungbauer (whose blog is so aptly named Stamp and Smile because that is exactly what Michelle makes me do every time I hear from her: smile!), and to my BFF
Susan Marshburn, who doesn't have a blog (yet), but who is endlessly supportive of not just my blog, but of me personally (I love you, girlfriend!), and to my other BFF Lisa Keenan, who also doesn't have a blog and rarely comments in writing (she gives me her comments in person - ha!), but is also endlessly supportive of my blog, my crafting and me personally (I love you, too, my dear friend), and to my other blogging buddies
Lee Murphy,
Cindy Haffner, and
Patti J.

I received another blog award yesterday, passed along to me by my newest friend from Australia,
Carolann. She and I share a love for cats! This blog award is
for people who have made a difference to you by their visits to your blog, the things they write, the interest they take. Again, this made my day!!! And it's extra recognition of all the things I said above!
Of course, I would pass this award to Carolann. But I'm also passing it to
Debbie Pamment, Kristine Breach, Michelle Yungbauer, Susan Marshburn, Lisa Keenan, Lee Murphy, Cindy Haffner and Patti J with the same heartfelt thanks for being my friends and always leaving comments that cheer me up no end and make me smile.
Speaking of Susan, the card I'm sharing today is one she recently made for me.

Isn't it wonderful? Lucky me! The only things I know for sure about the card ingredients is that those butterflies and the swirls are SU Sizzix die cuts, the edge punch is also by SU, and the sentiment is from the Papertrey Ink special Second Anniversary stamp set. I'm not sure about the paper, except that it's gorgeous! You can see more of Susan's work in her
SCS Gallery. Me thinks I've got her hooked on Anyas!
Are you still with me?
Today is my third son Clay's 16th birthday. I wish I had a recent picture to share of this goofy teenage kid, who often vexes me (he is, after all, a teenage boy), but who I love with a passion (as I do my other boys). But here is a picture that is very special to me.

It was taken a day or two after Clay was born. That's my mom holding Clay, and my two older boys, Ian and Collin. The thing that is so special about this picture (and Clay's birth) is that my mother was there with me in the delivery room (she lived in Mississippi, but came out to be with us for Clay's birth... she wasn't able to be here when Ian and Collin were born). It wasn't planned for her to be in the delivery room, but I told her it was okay if she wanted to stay, and she did! She stood by my bed cheering me on, watching in facination, holding my hand, and saw the whole birth. She even cut the umbilical cord! (Where was Paul, you might ask? Collapsed in a nearby chair... what a sissy. You'd think after two previous births, he'd have been used to it, but Clay started coming really fast, and I don't think Paul was ready. {LOL} I remember the doctor asking the nurse to get Mr. Hjulberg a chair. I never let him forget this, of course. hee hee)
Anyway, this was the last best thing my mom and I ever did together. Her cancer returned shortly after she returned home, and she didn't live to see Clay's first birthday. So Clay's birthday will always be very special to me. I thank God for the precious gift of having my mom there to share one of the four best days of my life with me.
And finally (yes, the end of this long post is near), I have to admit that today is my Blogaversary. I haven't made a fanfare of it because I'm kind of embarrassed that I haven't even got to 9000 hits in one year, buy hey, it's the quality not the quantity, right? I truly thank all of you who have visited my blog. And, if it weren't for my blog, I wouldn't have made the dear friends I have, so this is truly a day to celebrate. I think some blog candy is in order. Give me a day or two to come up with something, and we'll celebrate together!
Thanks so much for stopping by today for a visit... and for bearing with me through a very long post.