Thursday, September 25, 2008

Major Blog Candy Opportunity!

Okay, so I'm a little behind the times, but I've been a bit preoccupied this week. I just realized that tomorrow is the last day to enter the contest to win Major Blog Candy from a number of awesome sponsors in recognition of Cammie's support of the Alzheimer's Association in memory of her dear grandmother. This is indeed a worthy cause, and it's wonderful to see so many come together to make a difference. Caregivers are indeed deserving of recognition. And not just caregivers of alzheimer's patients, but all caregivers. I've seen first hand what they go through when a loved one is afflicted with illness or disability. It's terribly stressful and takes a lot of strength and devotion... and courage. I'm going to make a card tonight to send to a caregiver of an alzheimer patient, and I hope you will, too!

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