Halloween is finally here, and so is a bit of cool weather, and even the possibility of rain. Bliss! Not Halloween... the rain. Actually, Halloween used to be a really fun night here at the Hjulberg residence.
Every year for about 15 years we had a Halloween party here at our house. It all started when my friend Laureen became a single mom, as did our friend Rita. Laureen and Rita lived together in an area where there was no place to take their little ones trick-or-treating, so Laureen asked if they could come to my house.
One thing led to another, and we started a tradition of having a chili potluck (Laureen did most of the cooking, but we all contributed). The kids would go trick-or-treating with some of the adults, with the rest of us staying home to tend the food and hand out candy. Then everyone

Many different people (families) attended the party each year, but Laureen (who remarried pretty early into the tradition) and our family were the constants throughout the years. This is the first year we aren't spending Halloween together... it kinda started frittering out last year when it was just them and us. We reminisced about it the other day. I guess everything changes eventually. The kids grew up. Sigh. One of these days I've got to find all the pictures we took over the years and make a scrapbook out of them.
Anyway, enough of the nostalgia! I'm sharing the final three cards I did for Halloween. The first card definitely looks way better in person. I couldn't get good light the morning I photographed these.
I'm totally exhausted so I won't take the time to get into the recipes, but they are pretty much the same materials as I used for the other cards in my last post. I think I got a lot of good use out of my Stamp a Sweet Impression stamps and Halloween Key Ingredients this year, for sure!
Now onto Thanksgiving cards! Thanks for stopping by.