I just consulted with Random.org and about fell out of my chair when I saw who won. I clipped the image so no one would think anything fishy is going on:
Yep, it's true!!! Debbie Pamment, you are the winner of a $10 Gift Certificate to The Greeting Farm!!! Yay, hurray!!! All of your faithful commenting on my blog for the past year or so has finally paid off! LOL!!!!
Since I already know your email address, I've just ordered the GC and it will be delivered to your mailbox soon. Enjoy!!!
Thank you all for leaving comments on my blog. I've got my Blogoversary coming up, so I feel a MAJOR blog candy moment is the way to celebrate! Stay tuned!
Have a wonderful day!
RIGGED - LOL. Truly Lisa I had forgotten ALL about this - nearly fell of MY chair - LOL.
And I've had soooo many rewards for commenting on your blog - great eye candy and a FABULOUS friend!!!!
Thanx Lisa - Love Ya!
Congrats to Debbie! Woot woot!
Lisa - Left a little love on my blog (post from Thurs. 4/29)
Congrats, Debbie!! Totally deserving!!! :)
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